Since Kopru Metal established in 1989, we are dealing in Aluminium Flat Rolled Products Industry. We keep on stock and offer 1000,3000,5000,6000,7000, 8000 series mainly. We have the flexibility of delivering aluminium products to each size of customers globally.
As a company with 35 years of experience in this industry, we provide metal cutting, bending, sizing and painting services in our production facility in Dudullu Organized Industrial Zone in order to provide on-site and faster service to our customers.
We are the most competent representative of ASSAN Aluminum Co. which is Turkey’s largest privately-owned aluminum flat rolled products manufacturer . We are the.member of Turkish Aluminium Industrialists Association as well.
Service to people, which is the first and unchangeable rule of our company, comes before all our commercial activities. For this reason, the satisfaction of all our stakeholders is our basic principle.
As Köprü Metal, we will continue our principled activities in line with our goals and our benefit to society, in order to increase our customer satisfaction and to improve our services further by adapting to the innovations brought by the age.